Explain concepts and ideas in your own words – it gets easier with practice!
Avoid copying text word for word – better to avoid quotations where possible.
Use academic and trustworthy resources.
Fully reference the source of the ideas and quotations you use.
Have a look at ‘In your own words’, a website offering extra advice on good academic practice https://sites.google.com/a/qmu.ac.uk/plagiarism/home
The Effective Learning Service, based in the LRC, offers workshops and advice to help you improve your academic writing and study skills. Drop in or email els@qmu.ac.uk to book an appointment.
The Library Services can also help you with referencing and sourcing trustworthy academic sources for your writing. Ask to speak to your Liaison Librarian at the LRC desk.
Queen Margaret University regulations define plagiarism as "The presentation by an individual of another person's ideas or work (in any medium, published or unpublished) as though they were his or her own."
Plagiarism is considered as a serious academic offence although it is acknowledged that it can be accidental.
The use of AI, Chat GPT or similar.
Poor academic referencing.
Copying the work, or just changing a few words, of another student’s work or academic resources
Submitting a similar piece of work, or part of the same, for two different assessments
Unauthorised collaboration with another student.
If you received an e-mail or a letter informing you of alleged plagiarism contact the Help Zone on helpzone@qmu.ac.uk and we’ll help you through the process
The Help Zone is based in the QMUSU office based above Maggie’s Café and Bar. We are here to listen to you and help you solve issues. If we can’t help you, we will signpost you to the relevant services within Queen Margaret University and outcome campus.
Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU
Telephone: 0131 474 0170
Email: union@qmu.ac.uk