Stress relief

The majority of students feel anxious about exams. A little bit of exam stress is normal and can give you some motivation to study.  Stress is a part of exams but make sure you know how to manage it, so it does not get overwhelming.


1. Exercise and stay active. It will help release feel-good hormones and reduce stress.


2. Eat well. Have plenty of fruits and vegs and take the time for proper meals. Fish is also recommended as it helps building healthy brain cells.


3. Sleep well. A good night sleep helps rejuvenate.


4. Have plenty of water. It will help your brain concentrate.


5. Take the time to relax. Do some meditation or yoga. Listen to your favourite music or read a book.


6. Have some fun. Meet up with your friends.


7. Stay positive about exams and essays and look at the bigger picture and what you could achieve.


8. The LRC has plenty of resources to help you deal with stress and anxiety. Self-help resources can help you find tips and strategies to reduce your stress level. Ask the LRC Staff for more information or keep an eye out for the special bibliotherapy stall.



Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170
