Are you planning an event in Maggie's? Here are some useful tips.
Things to consider:
What do you want to do? Does your event have a theme?
What’s the purpose? Do you want to raise money? A celebration? Is it to get people together or showcase talent?
What date* works best for those who need to be there? (Organiser, performers, audience etc)
*It’s useful to have a back up date in case your preferred date isn’t available.
Is there a need to move furniture around? Do you need a stage?
If so you may be a need to put in an Assist to help with set up and set down. You should speak to Maggie’s staff about this.
Tech Support
Do you need specific lighting, a PA system, projector etc?
If so this must be arranged with Maggie’s or the SU Office in advance. We have limited resources so please don’t assume we have what you need! Depending on what you require you may need to borrow from QMU Media Services or hire from an external company.
Food & Drinks
Do you need specific food or drinks as part of your event?
You are not allowed to bring your own alcohol into Maggie’s & there are restrictions on external food.
Do you need a risk assessment?
Most events that take place in Maggie’s are covered by the venue risk assessment. However, if you’re doing anything that’s a little out of the ordinary you may be required to submit an additional risk assessment for your event. SU staff can help with this if required.
Booking Your Event
To book your event, fill in the Event Proposal Form
The earlier you get this to us the better!
SU Events Calendar
Any information you submit on the Events Proposal Form will be entered into the Events Calendar on the SU website homepage.
Social Media
Use the Social Media Request Form if you want us to help you promote your event on the SU Facebook/Twitter page. Please give us at least a week notice.
Bring any posters to the SU office and we will stamp them and put them up in Maggie’s for you.
For further information please e-mail
Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU
Telephone: 0131 474 0170