Class Reps contribute to improving the learning and teaching experience with liaising with academic staff on any matters that arise on the course or providing student feedback on the course.
To find out who your Class Reps are, please email
Being a Class Reps is easy. Some responsibilities include:
Talking to your course mates about their opinions about their course, their experience and other academic issues.
Communicating effectively with University staff and the Students’ Union to improve your course and experience.
Attending and contributing to meetings with staff to represent those views.
Attending the Academic Council.
Being a Rep is a great opportunity to boost your CV as you will develop transferable skills such as problem solving, communication, and meeting skills that can be used in future employment. You’ll also get a chance to see how decisions are made across the University. Best of all you get to have an impact and make a difference!
More information on the role of Class Reps can be found on the CR role description and Staff Guidance
You don’t need any previous experience to be Class Rep. If you want to improve the student voice at QMU and get some new experiences, just speak to your Programme Leader.
Elections normally take place in the first few weeks of Semester 1, though this could be different on your course. If more than one student are interested, an election might be required. This may be by a show of hands or an alternative method.
The Introductory Class Reps Training will give you all the info you need to understand the role of Class Reps at Queen Margaret University and to get ready to represent your peers. The training is primarily aimed at new Class Reps and is open to returning Class Reps who are looking for a refresh session.
Guidance on being a Class Rep is available in our Class Reps Guide.
Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU
Telephone: 0131 474 0170