Officers' Committee

The Officers' Committee consists of two full time paid officers (President - Academic Life and President - Student Activities) and six part-time unpaid officers. All of these officers are elected by the students each March during the Annual Elections; find out more information about the current officers.

The Officers' Committee meets every 2 weeks to update each other on progress in different campaigns or debate motions submitted by students wanting to change something. If you want to submit a motion or have something you would like the officers to consider or discuss one of the 2 representative groups is your way to do that. The officers also feed back from the different representative groups they sit on (Academic Council and Campus Life Forum).

Because the officers are elected by the students, it is important to hold them to account. This means attending meetings, asking questions and challenging them.

You can also contact the officers directly via the link above.






Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170
