
Preparing for essays and exams

Good planning will help you stay ahead of your studies and avoid last minute panics. Everyone will have their preferred study technique and organisation, the key is to know what works for you and make time for revision. Get organised with your studies. Have a revision plan or timetable to help you and stick to it. Develop strategies and use study techniques to make the best of your study time. Revise with a friend or in group to stay motivated. Ask for advice if you need to. Academic staff, library staff and other support staff are here to help! Be well prepared. Make sure you know the essays deadlines, exams time and location and material you need. Don’t forget your student ID on the day of the exam!


What if something goes wrong?

Whether you fall ill, have an accident, or find yourself unable to study or sit an exam because of circumstances out of your control, don’t keep it to yourself and let people know about it.

Extenuating Circumstances should be submitted prior to the essay deadline and exam day or at the latest no later than 7 days after.  Students are strongly advised to speak to their P.A.T and submit their EC form as soon as circumstances occur. More info on the EC procedure, guidance and forms can be found on the Extenuating Circumstances page or contact the Help Zone for advice helpzone@qmu.ac.uk

Sometimes life becomes difficult to deal with and you may feel anxious or low about uni life or things in general. The University Counsellor is here to help you with any problem that may affect your academic studies, or your health and wellbeing. Check their self-help resources or contact them on counselling@qmu.ac.uk to make an appointment.


After your results

Celebrate your success with friends whether it is around a coffee, dinner or a big night out! If you are unhappy with the way an exam or essay went or with the decision of the board of examiners on your progression, come and speak to the Help Zone helpzone@qmu.ac.uk. Students have a right to appeal their results under specific grounds. Relevant advice should be sought before starting a lengthy academic appeal process.


Looking for further advice?

The Effective Learning Services, located in the LRC, is here to support all QMU students in their studies. They run various workshop during the year to help you get ready for assessments. They also offer drop-in exam tips sessions. Get in touch with them at els@qmu.ac.uk for more information.




Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170

Email: union@qmu.ac.uk