Fitness to Practice/Fitness to Study

If you are a student in the School of Health Sciences, or a student in our Primary or Secondary Education programmes (ITE), you must meet the standard code of conduct set by your Professional Body. If the University is alerted to, or has any concerns over your conduct, character, or your health interfering with your practice you might be called to meet your Programme Leader or Head of Division. If concerns further evolve you will be called to a Fitness to Practice Panel. This is to make sure you can undertake your role in a way your Professional Body views as safely and effectively. Being called to a Fitness to Practice Panel can be a very uncertain time, this is why your Students’ Union staff will always advise you and support you through the full procedure.

All QMU students are subject to Fitness to Study. If the University is concerned your health is impacting on your ability to study, you may be invited to meet with University Staff to discuss a support plan to help you through your studies.

For more information read the University Fitness to Practice Policy or Fitness to Study Policy

To make an appointment drop us an e-mail on or go online here

Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170
