• Thumbnail varsity 23
  • VARSITY! Meggetland and Engage Wednesday 22-03-2023 - 11:00 until Wednesday 22-03-2023 - 23:00

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Get your game face on and join us for the biggest sports competition of the year!! QMU will be going head to head with Napier in a tournament to see who will win the Varsity cup.

Indoor sports will take place at Engage and outdoor sports will be played at Meggetland. 

Join us in the evening for the awards presentation at three sisters before heading to Why Not for a boogie





Venue : Meggetland and Engage

Type: Varsity, Varsity

Start Date: Wednesday 22-03-2023 - 11:00

End date: Wednesday 22-03-2023 - 23:00

Contact Details

Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170
