QMU Dance - Ceilidh

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QMU Dance - Ceilidh

Our annual ceilidh is here! We are so excited to invite you all to another night of fun and dancing! 💙 Tickets are £6 with £1.06 booking fee to purchase here which includes a raffle ticket only a maximum of 4 tickets per person (link in our bio!) There are only 60 tickets available online. If you are unable to purchase a ticket online please DM us and your name will be added to a waiting list incase of people returning their tickets. As ever the funds we make will go towards our costumes, comps and showcase. And 10% will be donated to Alzheimer’s Society UK. 🤍 After our ceilidh in Bar50 we will also have a table in WHYNOT with LOVE WEDNESDAYS for afterwards (everyone who has atteneded the Ceilidh is welcome afterwards in whynot). Come along for a fab night of traditional Scottish dancing, we can’t wait to see you all there! 💙🕺🏻


Venue : Bar 50

Type: Performing Arts

Start Date: Wednesday 09-11-2022 - 19:00

End date: Wednesday 09-11-2022 - 23:00


Contact Details

QMU Dance


Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170

Email: union@qmu.ac.uk