Engaging The Bystander

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Engaging The Bystander

These are two hour sessions where we discuss issues & attitudes around sexual violence and how we as individuals can make a difference.


Despite covering a serious topic the sessions are fun and engaging with feedback from students always excellent. 


These sessions are open to all students.


We expect all S&S to encourage their members to attend.


I’m happy to answer any questions if you have them or to arrange a session specifically for your team or society if that works better for you.


Contact me on kbaird@qmu.ac.uk


Venue : Room 2092

Type: Advice

Start Date: Tuesday 25-10-2022 - 16:00

End date: Tuesday 25-10-2022 - 18:00

Capacity: 20

Contact Details


Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170

Email: union@qmu.ac.uk