Big QMU Clothes Swap

  • Clothes swap   social media
  • Big QMU Clothes Swap 1875, QMU Main Building Thursday 27-10-2022 - 12:00 until Thursday 27-10-2022 - 19:00

This event has expired or is no longer available.

Big QMU Clothes Swap

Come along to 1875 on Thursday 27th October between 12pm and 7pm to pick up pre-loved items donated by students and staff! Free food will also be available 5-7pm.

If you'd like to donate clothes, please drop them off at the Students' Union's Office (above Maggie's) between 11am and 6pm on Wednesday 26th.

The Clothes Swap is part of the new TGIThursday series of events. Click here for more information


Venue : 1875, QMU Main Building

Type: Social, What is on

Start Date: Thursday 27-10-2022 - 12:00

End date: Thursday 27-10-2022 - 19:00

Contact Details

Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170
