QMU Paramedic Society

  • Purple hand drawn disco ball dance party kids birthday invitation.png
  • Give it a go Sports Hall Tuesday 17-09-2024 - 11:00 until Tuesday 17-09-2024 - 15:00

This event has expired or is no longer available.

Give it a go

Head along to the 'Give it a go' day where we will be at our stall ready to answer any questions and let you know about our upcoming events!


Venue : Sports Hall

Type: Give It A Go

Start Date: Tuesday 17-09-2024 - 11:00

End date: Tuesday 17-09-2024 - 15:00

Capacity: 100


Contact Details


Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170

Email: union@qmu.ac.uk