QMU Paramedic Society

  • 6738ecc6a5fd5

CFR and Community CPR Support - CPD Session

As a paramedic attending a call, you may well be the first clinician on scene, but not necessarily the first responder. This session will discuss the role of the community in facilitating the chain of survival, and provide attendees with a wider understanding of the realities of attending calls in the community.


Venue : QMU - Room tbc,

Type: Other

Start Date: Wednesday 26-03-2025 - 12:00

End date: Wednesday 26-03-2025 - 13:00

Capacity: 50

Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170

Email: union@qmu.ac.uk