PsychSoc Society

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  • Coffee drop-in! Room 3105 in the main academic building Thursday 15-02-2024 - 13:00 until Thursday 15-02-2024 - 14:00

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Coffee drop-in!

Hi everyone, our next coffee drop in will be valentines day themed on the 15th of Feb come along to room 3105 to meet and connect with other students of similar interests and subjects over some free tea/coffee/scones (and love heart shaped sweets!)



Venue : Room 3105 in the main academic building

Type: Meeting, Social, Society

Start Date: Thursday 15-02-2024 - 13:00

End date: Thursday 15-02-2024 - 14:00

Contact Details

Ellie Birchall


Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170
